Monday, May 17, 2010

We have found favour in the eyes of God

This Sunday the word of God was read in the book of Genesis 41:50, 51 & 52.
Pastor Xola Nzo (Senior Pastor)
50, “Before the years of famine came, two sons were born to Joseph by Asenah daughter of Potiphera, priest of On.

51, “Joseph named his first born Manasseh and said, ‘It is because God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father’s household.’

52, “The second son he named Ephraim and said, ‘It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering.’”

“Here we see Joseph praising God for his victorious life after many years of hardship. If we remember very well; he was sold by his brothers because of the dreams he had. His brothers hated him so much. He was also sent to prison and in prison he interpreted dreams; the dreams which manifested and led him to be a Governor of Egypt.” said Mama Rose. She is currently leading the Sunday sermons in the absence of the senior pastor, Pastor Nzo; who is still running services in a new branch which had been launched in Durban.

Mama Rose is a woman who speaks with confidence and authority. Many are blessed and revived by the messages she preaches every Sundays and Tuesdays.

Change-Henley on Klip branch today
“Dreams can become a reality. Joseph’s dreams led him to save his family which later became a powerful chosen nation of God. Joseph had found favour in the eyes of God. That is why after all the troubles he had come across, he praised God. With his firstborn, he remembered that God had been with him all the years of his sufferings and with God he made it through; and he did not focus on his past. That was possible because God was with him. He found favour in the eyes of God.”

“God did not only protect him, but he made him fruitful. That is why his second son was named Ephraim. God multiplied his blessings in a land where he was a stranger; where he faced challenges; where he faced imprisonment, and where he came face to face with the famine. He did not forget God.”

Mama Rose leading the sermon

“Most of the time we forget who God is. We always focus on the things that are irrelevant to God’s things. We always want things to happen our own way. Take the story of Leah. Jacob worked for 7 years for him to have Rachel. The bible says, Rachel the younger daughter of Laban was so beautiful and lovely. Though Leah was beautiful but she could not match Rachel.”

“Jacob worked for 7 years for Rachel, but when the time came, Laban could not let his daughter Rachel merry Jacob before his elder daughter Leah. Laban tricked Jacob like his mother did to Esau when she helped him to steal his blessings.”

“Becareful bretheren, what you do today might come the same way in future. He tricked his brother and today he was facing the same situation. Now Jacob had to work another 7 years for Rachel because he was forced to merry Leah with the first 7 years according to Laban’s culture which was not revealed in the beginning of the agreement.”

“Now we see a woman staying with a man who was never interested in her. God opened Leah’s womb and she bore Jacob children. This made her feel that Jacob would love her but it was not the case. Jacob continued to love Rachel the more though she was barren. But when she gave birth to Judah, she shifted the focus from man to God as she said, ‘This time I’ll praise the Lord.’”

“It is important that after men have failed you; you need to change your focus to God. It didn’t help Leah even if she was giving birth for her husband, but she had to realise that God was her only hope. This time, she decided to shift the praise to God. She realised that only God need the praise; Only God need to be pleased no matter what the situation might be.”

“Joseph did the same. With his two sons he praised God after the hardships he had seen; and after the famine. You can do the same today. You can raise your two fingers like a pair of scissors and cut everything that is a stumbling block in your life. Today, every curse; every trouble; every suffering; can be stopped; only if you can look unto the Lord.”

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