(This is a summary of the Sunday message 22-May 2010)
By Mom Rose
By Mom Rose
Romans 8:1-3
2. because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.
3. For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man.
"How old are you?" That's Mom Rose
“How old are you?”
“Sometimes in life, certain circumstances will ask you, ‘How old are you?’ Sometimes you will be ashamed to state your own age. Maybe you are too old and you have achieved nothing in life. The devil always reminds you of your failures, but the grace of God alwaays take over.”
“You need to feel confident to tell your age so that you can receive your break through.”
“If we look at the life of Paul, we know that he was a sinner; he was a very educated man though; he was also a proffessional killer who could acquire a certification/permission to kill, and no one could match him in that department.”
“God had a plan for Paul. God had a plan for you before you were born. You were in God’s mind before you were born. You need to be couragious and be confident that you will walk over your situations. No matter what the situation might be, be confident. The problem you are facing, be not ashamed of it.”
“Paul was strucked by lightining on his usual journeys. He fell down and he asked, ‘Who are you?’ and Jesus said, ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.’ Paul was instructed to go and pray”
“There were things that Paul had to pass through for him to be able to serve God. There are people who are sent to do certain things in other people’s life.”
“There were things that Paul had to pass through for him to be able to serve God. There are people who are sent to do certain things in other people’s life.”
“In Christ Jesus, there’s no condemnation.”
“The law cannot work because the flesh came with sin. The law cannot make your husband stop running around with girlfriends; your words cannot stop your children from doing wrong. You cannot advise your children ‘girls’ not to sleep with boys, but you can always give them God. If I tell my girls not to sleep with boys, whenever they see boys they will always remember my words, but what will happen to them when I’m gone. But if I give them the word, and tell them that sex before marriage is a sin, when I’m gone they will always remember that God in His word says, ‘sex before marriage is a sin’, not me.”
“People can name their kids Jesus, but not Christ. Why? Because Christ is the annointed one. Christ knew His ministry. Jesus as God had to pass through certain tests; he was kicked, beaten, falsely accused; even sent by a child being His earthly father Joseph. This happened to him to show his character. His character had to be revealed.”
“You had dreams before, what happened to them? You are now holding to the saying which says; ‘because my father died a poor man, I will die poor’”
“How old are you?”
“Do you remember Jacob. Though this man was a ‘crook’, he carried generations on his back. He is the same man who wrestled with God. That is when he got his name Israel.”
“At his old age, Jacob headed for Egypt and when he met his son he knew that he has achieved his longest wish as he said, ‘Now I am ready to die, since I have seen for myself that you are still alive’”
“Before that, we see Judah taking responsibility before Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, he told them to bring Benjamin the younger brother. When they requested to go with Benjamin, Jacob resisted, but Judah assured his father, ‘I myself will guarantee his safety; you can hold me personally responsible for him...’”
“What will you say to God? Some people will take a blame for what they did not do when they were sent to.”
“What is your work?”
“When Jacob was presented to Pharoah, the first thing he was asked, ‘How old are you?’”
“The second question he was asked, ‘what is your work?’”
“Yes, life can ask you questions; situations can, but you must know that you have found favour with God; you have found grace. It is God’s grace that sustains us when such questions comes our way. Because of grace, we enter where no one else enters.”
“Jacob was already 130 years, but he had tested no joy. His son Joseph had been killed, and he had no joy in his entire life.”
“We need to take away the Ishmaels in our lives. He is a destroyer. We need Isaac in our lives because he is joy.”
“One has to go, and one has to stay. Isaac couldn’t keep them both. You remember Simon. He was told that he would not see death unless he see salvation. When Jesus was brought to him at his old age, blind as he was; he rejoiced and he was ready to leave because he met his salvaation as promised.”
“What is your promise from God? Even if it is not easy, keep on going.”
• James 5 (intercession)
• Exodus 25 (offering)
• Isaiah 4:10
• Psalms 23
• II Corinthians 12:7
• Luke 2
• Genesis 46/47
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