Certain things need to be taken by force. Don’t just sit comfortably where you are. The devil knows exactly where you are going. He knows your destiny because your destiny means his end.
It is in a nature of man to always run away from God. We always speak negative things and confess by our mouth. Our mouth becomes an enemy against. Watch your tongue. Death and life is in your tongue.Paul said “I can do all things through Christ”.
You can choose what you want, but you cannot decide for God.
Did you know that, if it was the will of your enemy you would have been dead by now. But God is in control of our lives.
He is an Independant God. He always advise us what to do, but we always decide aginst Him. If you want to get out of His way. God will leave you as you are. You will definately fall in the hands of the enemy, and God will leave you not because he hates you but he want you to come closer to Him.
John 11
You need to be transformed. Elijah is one man in the bible whose wish was to die. I believe He was face by a situation. This always happen to anybody. There are times certain thoughts comes in one mind and endup saying “I better die than facing such pain”.
I Kings 19:5&6
Elijah was faced with a situation in his lidfe. Elijah witnessed all prophets being killed. Some of the situations you come accross are bpreparing for what God wants you to become.
Elijah begged God for him to die.
He didn’t know what God was planning for him. He didn’t know that he had a way ahead of him. It was not time yet for him to die. He had to fulfill certain things.
You must know that you are God vessel, and God want to use to save the many lost souls. In the body of Christ all parts are very impoertant..
You can’t hide from God. If you think you can hide from God, let me tell you “You are wasting your time”. Just surrender to god and let Him use you the way He wants.
There are people who stays in marriage for a purpose. Even when people says nothing could be fixed in it, let me tell you God speakes a different language to some of us.
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