Tuesday Sermon by Mom Rose (22-06-2010)
Before the word of God was read, a brother in the church had concerns and questions about the reality of heaven. “Where do we go from here? And who created death?” This came after his colleagues at work told him that, ‘death is the final destination of every person who lives on earth; after that there will be no life’. He was also told that, ‘when you die, you will come back on a form of a certain creature; it could be a cat, dog, insect but not as a human being.’
This sparked a long discussion as the bretheren were giving more light to the subject raised while quoting the scripture.
The following sciptures were read:
• Ecclesiastes 9:5
• II Corinthians 5:1
• Hebrews 9:27
• Luka 16:9-27
• I Thimothy 2:1-5
The question at the end was, “If there’s no life after death, “why then were they preaching their gospel. If nothing will happen after death, everyone could stop preaching whatever gospel he/she is preaching. Because everyone is preaching the gospel, that means it will not stop after death. Beyond death, there will be judgment.
Jesus is coming. What we are facing are the signs of Him coming back again. That is why we need to know and understand the issue of salvation. If you read Matthew 24, you will understand well why salvation is important in ones life. It is no doubt that the day of judgement will come.
We don’t have to debate on what people believe in. If people believe that there’s is no ressurection, what we need to do is to press on, on the matter of salvation. (Mark 16).
Before the word of God was read, a brother in the church had concerns and questions about the reality of heaven. “Where do we go from here? And who created death?” This came after his colleagues at work told him that, ‘death is the final destination of every person who lives on earth; after that there will be no life’. He was also told that, ‘when you die, you will come back on a form of a certain creature; it could be a cat, dog, insect but not as a human being.’
This sparked a long discussion as the bretheren were giving more light to the subject raised while quoting the scripture.
The following sciptures were read:
• Ecclesiastes 9:5
• II Corinthians 5:1
• Hebrews 9:27
• Luka 16:9-27
• I Thimothy 2:1-5
The question at the end was, “If there’s no life after death, “why then were they preaching their gospel. If nothing will happen after death, everyone could stop preaching whatever gospel he/she is preaching. Because everyone is preaching the gospel, that means it will not stop after death. Beyond death, there will be judgment.
Jesus is coming. What we are facing are the signs of Him coming back again. That is why we need to know and understand the issue of salvation. If you read Matthew 24, you will understand well why salvation is important in ones life. It is no doubt that the day of judgement will come.
We don’t have to debate on what people believe in. If people believe that there’s is no ressurection, what we need to do is to press on, on the matter of salvation. (Mark 16).
The word says, “Go to the whole world and preaach the gospel. Those who believe must be baptised.
The word was read in the book of, Romans 5:12-14
Death in Adam, Life in Christ
12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—
13 for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law.
14 Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.
Sin was there before, but it was not active because there was no law. Sin became alive because a law was introduced. Take for example; The community of Henley can decide to dump on an unauthorised site without realising that it is against the law. But once a warning script is placed “Any one who dump here will be prosecuted” then judgement will be upon those who disobey the law. Death came by sin; and sin was activated by the existance of the law.
Because of the law, sin was activated and it is sin that brought death. Thank God for the salvation. Nicodemus could not understand it. No matter how educated he was. This is the reason why we preach salvation. There are many people who fails to understand the term, “Being born again”, being born of Christ and be seperated from your sins.
John 1:12 (quoted)
God used himself in a form of His son Jesus Christ. He humbled Himself and became man and went through all the sufferings a man is faced with. Christ which means the annointed did not go to the cross to be tested, no! But His flesh was. When He was kicked, beaten and humilliated, His character had to come out. God had to be revealed in His son.
Jesus died at the right time according to God’s plan. He could have died when he was very young than that, but the devil was defeated and that is an assurity that the blood of a small child could not do wonders. He could have died in the boat, but the blood of accidents could not do miracles. Remember the devil’s tempations?
Sin was there before, but it was not active because there was no law. Sin became alive because a law was introduced. Take for example; The community of Henley can decide to dump on an unauthorised site without realising that it is against the law. But once a warning script is placed “Any one who dump here will be prosecuted” then judgement will be upon those who disobey the law. Death came by sin; and sin was activated by the existance of the law.
Because of the law, sin was activated and it is sin that brought death. Thank God for the salvation. Nicodemus could not understand it. No matter how educated he was. This is the reason why we preach salvation. There are many people who fails to understand the term, “Being born again”, being born of Christ and be seperated from your sins.
John 1:12 (quoted)
God used himself in a form of His son Jesus Christ. He humbled Himself and became man and went through all the sufferings a man is faced with. Christ which means the annointed did not go to the cross to be tested, no! But His flesh was. When He was kicked, beaten and humilliated, His character had to come out. God had to be revealed in His son.
Jesus died at the right time according to God’s plan. He could have died when he was very young than that, but the devil was defeated and that is an assurity that the blood of a small child could not do wonders. He could have died in the boat, but the blood of accidents could not do miracles. Remember the devil’s tempations?
Jesus had to suffer, face humilliation and rejection, and His God character had to be revealed.
Jesus – God – Man
God and man were fighting because a man disobeyed God.
Jesus (God) had to come in again and bring peace between (Himself) God and man. That is why Jesus came down. Life and salvation came with Jesus when there was no hope for us.
Jesus suffered and God turned away from him. He called upon His father as he felt the pain in a human body.
But a remarkable thing happened, A curtain in the temple was torn in between. This gave us permission to enter the Holy of Hollies. Jesus was a bail out from our disobidience against God.
Sin came with the law, while death came as a result of sin. It is like HIV. If it enters the human being, it must come with another person, but thank God it is healed in Jesus’ name. God heals it. You have no disease until you receive it from somewhere or someone. There must be a source.
The person leaves the body when you die. The body is not the real person. The real person departs. That’s why many says. “He is gone.” Who is gone? “the inner person”. God lives not in the houses built by the hands of man. God lives in his temple being our bodies. The body is the temple of God where he dwells. That is why we need to repent and turn away from our sins. We need to keep God’s temple as clean as possible.
God can change the character of a man. What you use to do can stop because of his salvation. You become a new creation.
(Mom Rose closed with the testimony of her revelation of heaven and hell which happened in 1988. She has a wish to share her revelation in a book format.)
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